Protect Your Home

Protect Your Home

By the time most homeowners discover they have problem water it’s often too late!

Acidic water can eat away your plumbing and appliances causing leaks. This can result in expensive plumbing repairs and damage to your home and furnishings.

Hard water contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium that can clog your pipes, slow the flow of water and leave crusty sediment build-up on your dishes, as well as plumbing fixtures, appliances, boilers and water heaters. This will shorten the lifespan of these systems and require replacement years before their time.

Other metals and chemicals in the water can stain and even damage fixtures and appliances.

Reduced water flow from taps. Rusty of black stains on porcelain fixtures could be a sign of iron or manganese in the water

Burning sensation on your skin while showering

Orange or brown water, or water with sediment

Graying of whites in the laundry

Blue or green stains

Green hair

Odors, such as rotten egg smell in running water

Crusty white spots on your glassware after a dishwashing cycle or white crust on plumbing fixtures

Bad taste: Poor for drinking or using to cook or clean dishes

A “Did Not Pass” results from a certified lab

Pin hole leaks in your plumbing

Dry skin and hair after showering

Automatic Water Conditioning Co. designs, installs and services custom water treatment technologies that can help protect the value and infrastructure of your home.

Protect Your Home and call
Automatic Water Conditioning today!
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